Friday, November 6, 2009


My cousin is against it. He is fifteen. It is education. Public, formal, dictated curricula packaged in normalcy. What are our children learning? It seems that these facts, these classes are no preparation for life. They are but place holders for further information. Spare the details, give them a paradigm they can't ignore.

He is failing his classes. He is a brilliant person. How is it that he is deemed a failure? Failing at what? He is failing at conformity. He has no desire to seek the approval of his elders and why should he? What in the world gives them the credence to provide answers to life? Math, science, english, art, social studies...all pose no real answers to the absurdity that he perceives reality to be. He is living the abstracted life.

Children don't even know what they are eating. Have a hamburger son. It sure tastes good pop. Thats all that matters. The food we eat is only a ready example for what the abstracted life entails. He doesn't understand food. Where does it come from? Who makes it? How would I live without this dependence upon others knowledge? Specialization to the extreme. We no longer are able to be fully human. We have become so removed from our independence. Good luck enjoying your specialization...don't choose poorly.

The abstracted life. The distance from digging a hole in the ground to know what our muscles are for. What are you doing in a cubicle whittling away your time? What goals have you been convinced of? Do you create? Different things?

More and more people are falling into the existential vacuum, gripping at the sides of the hole they fell into, trying to grasp any meaning they can as they pass into the abyss. My cousin recognizes the existential absurdity, and is given no vent, no legitimacy, for his concerns that what he is learning in school is gibberish. Nonsensical goal fulfillment. Get into college, get a job, get a wife and kids and teach them the same. What happens to those who recognize that the social system they live in is destroying the essence of their being.

"I must Create a System, or be enslaved by another Man's; I will not Reason and compare; my business is to Create" -William Blake

So he might not get a job. What better of a goal than to avoid the monotony of the American dream. What nonsense to buy into it. Economics, cubicles and envy fits, suburbs and segregation, commutes to work and newscasters, blithe wars and the perpetual unfulfilled hopes that plague the abstracted American life. Walk through a mall and see the masses. Playing the game of life. No respect for the mystery. Outright contempt and disregard for any challenge to their paradigm. No epiphany in the land of the free. When did forty hours of work a week become normal? Do we neeeeeed this? Stop wasting my time, my cousins time, and try getting back to the individual. We are individuals and not the television perpetuated stereotypes that babble their way into our psyche creating our altered expectations. Back to the dirt, back to meaning, back to results from our labor, not econobabble written in greek upon golden calf data sheets. Push the economist from his pedestal and enjoy a campfire and the days labor. Do you think the fast car, big house, pretty wife, obedient kids, big watch, quiet children, and the correct religion will alleviate the fear you have? WAKE UP!

"To see a world in a grain of sand, And a Heaven in a wild flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour." -William Blake

"If the the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite." -William Blake

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A sign from some higher source?
Faint imaginings of something more?
Couldn't be.
For each we are ships unto the sea.
No waves direct our paths, we navigate these waters,
we know these currents.
For to unsettle this ship would require more...
drastic changes lie ahead for weary souls.
And the time is now.
Convince yourself of nothing more.
Why not nothing?
So in thinking you were right what did you discover? What led you to believe? Into what fathoms do we dream only to awake to this. My flowers need watering. Ah, the power of creation. That which we do with our time. And what did you discover? Answers would be nice, but that would require faith. Faith in others observation, or faith in my own perceptions. Faith, god damned faith, but as long as we exist we might as well believe in something to adhere our consciousness to. I don't want to live with the alternative. Death. Life without some faith is no life at all. Not faith in god, or truth or some other abstract concept, just the faith in our perception. For even that is built upon assumption.
Gentle time do despise
Create me with your gentle lies
only to unfold time
In what creators bliss
A moments prolonged kiss
A microbe upon some desolate shore
Does make me?
To be is to be
Nothing more
But I still stand upon this floor
waiting to create
Cannot help but wonder
why not nothing than "Nothing more"